Today's Outfit:
*Multi-color jersey print minidress-Alberto Makali
*Silver "fancy" shoes-Target

Is anyone else ever curious about perfume, like what people choose to wear everyday? Do you have a signature scent, or are you more like me? I'm someone that owns a ba-jillion frangrance and everyday it's something different...I either grab one and spritz in a total frenzy, or I actually consider my outfit and mood and spray from there. So no signature for me, the more the merrier. I like to have choices.
Today I misted myself with Calvin Klein's Eternity Moment (xmas gift from dad). I think it was a hurried moment, because this dress probably wanted something more fun, not so soft and light.

Sometimes, I opt for just a light spray or mist that matches whatever body wash I happen to be using at the time. A.K.A. whatever I bought during the Bath and Body Works many semi-annual sales (ok, not so many considering the term "semi-annual" does not mean "many). I usually like the sparkly sprays they have, I like to spritz it on my legs for a bit of glimmer. Unfortuantely here, by the end of the day, my leg doesn't look like anything other than a tree-trunk, what's up with that?
But I do like my Target purchase, saw them back in March at the store, but as I've stated before, the Target in Brooklyn blows, so I went online. I wore them in Vegas one time, then promptly forgot about them when I returned home and it wasn't so summery until now. Peeking under my bed this morning they peered out at me between the dust bunnies they call company. And yeah, I like them all over again.
Off to bed....it's sleepytime!
Seriously need to own that dress! It's perfect! I hope they have it at the nordstroms near me!
gorgeous shoes. make me wish I really was in vegas.
Such a lovely dress and shoes!
beautiful dress and really cute shoes!
i'm one of those people on whom perfume smells really different than it does in the bottle/on most other ppl. i wear sjp's lovely (which everyone claims to hate and then those same people tell me i smell good when i wear it) if it's evening or fall/winter. for a lighter scent, i wear this vanilla & grapefruit stuff i got at sephora. i would never usually gravitate towards anything grapefruit, but the two scents work together well.
i always want to buy perfumes b/c their bottles are so pretty and i like the idea of a vanity with tons of perfume bottles on it.
E-check online....actually I"m not sure which stores it's sold in, usually Nordstroms picks up styles like this one from us. Ummm lots of specialty boutiques buy from my company too if you have any of that in your city. Or just do a google search and see what comes up. It is an easy dress, but it looks so cool with all the colors, so I would recommend it to anyone.
I think the Target shoes are super cute... I would consider getting a pair for myself...
yes! those shoes are super fun and pretty! and i am always curious as to what fragrances people wear. i feel like a little kid because i still don't wear real perfumes. i've been using vanilla scented oil since i was like 15. i usually layer it over that origins ginger lotion. i never switch it up because people give me compliments. i think vanilla reminds people of cookies or something! haha!
LOVE the shoes and the dress. Such a fab look!
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