A little Saturday Shopping anyone?

I went out to pick up some birthday goodies for my little niece; she turns 1 year old tomorrow!
I could very possibly be the World's Worst Auntie--I have to ship the presents as she lives in Illinois; but obviously they're not going to get there by tomorrow. I'm banking on the fact that she'll be one, so she won't even no the difference if they come late or got there on time.
Birthday goodies include:
Board books,
Fuzzy touch-me books,
Maybe some Baby Einstein stuff,
and books books and more books!
(I have smart, well advanced nieces, so feeding their minds with storytime is the best way to go, god knows they do not need more clothing)
The Shopping Outfit:
*Fuchsia t-shirt cowl neck dress-Express
*Beige vintage belt-some consignment shop in Kalamazoo
*Black patent-leather sandals-Old Navy
*Orange earrings-Forever 21
*Gold bangle bracelets-Forever 21
Holy Ravioli Batman! Stop the Presses--yes,
those are FLATS I'm wearing!!! Unheard of!
Side note: Kinda wishing I bought the LIGHT GOLD ones now, would've been a better match.
And seriously, could this belt be anymore perfect for jazzing up a basic dress? I felt the need to interject color into the attire today, so I went all out! I've come to terms with it being summertime for a few weeks more. In my head, summertime equates to punchy colors of vibrant fun.

Happy Saturday; is it true, tomorrow is already Sunday? Crap...that means Laundry Day :(
That dress is such a beautiful color on you!
cute dress!:)
i think you are a much better antie than i am :-) because i am the one who forget everyone's birthday, including mine, haha!!! btw: love the fushia on you, enjoying you day :-) looking like it might a good one, xoxo
this color suits your pefecto!! love the belt too!!
I was so close to commenting on those flats I saw. I thought for sure my eyes were playing ticks on me.
i am in love with your belt too! it's so awesome!! i like your dress a lot too; it's a great color and looks really good on you.
happy birthday to your niece. i do the same thing with presents. i'm awful at mailing things (hence why you do not have your sash yet! i haven't forgotten, i'm just incredibly slow.)
the little violet dress
I've got the light gold flats and absolutely LOVE them. Though ironically enough, I kind of wish I would have bought the black ones too! Old Navy has had some good flats in the last few months if you look at the right time!
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