This weekend was actually kind of busy for me, more so than the rest of my winter weekends have been the past few months.
So busy that, well, I only managed to photograph one outfit for you the whole weekend. No worries, enough other exciting stuff happened that there's no need for a lot of outfits from me.
First off, if you've ever wondered what it is exactly I do...or if you think I'm just being pretentious or that I'm a big fat embellisher of job titles, rest assured that's not the case!
When I claim to be a "fashion designer", that's actually-honestly-what I do for a living.
(It's awesome, not gonna lie!)
Just take a look what I came across at the 2010 SAG Awards:

(Image from
It's Sarah Hyland from "Modern Family."
--as if she's not gorgeous enough, but she looks beautiful in this Amethyst color!(I think she's looks like a younger Milla Kunis). And do you know what that is she's wearing????
Hate it or Love it, or just think its so-so....that's one of my designs I did at work!!!!
(This is so gratifying, you don't even know! I never get tired of seeing celebs in something I had a part of...and it makes my family proud. Oh, and it makes me realize that a lot of hard work, and so little sleep for those 4 years of college actually really were worth it!)
Saturday I went and got my hair trimmed and my highlights touched up.
By the time I got home, it was time to turn around and head back out.
I found myself in a tizzy, not wanting to dress up, but not wanting to wear my usual jeans and t-shirt; so I started reaching for anything I could scramble to find (btw, my lightbulb burned out in my bedroom and BF and I were a little slow about replacing it, so I did this all in the dark).
Lots of random stuff going on here, but it was all BLACK, so I figured it would be alright (and its dark in most bars, particularly the dive bars I frequent, so who really was going to notice if it was a mish-mash of nonsense?)
*Black vintage velvet jacket-from vintage store in Kalamazoo, MI
*Black fringe tunic (what I believe to be the top portion of a cheap halloween costume)-Beacon's Closet
*Black mesh skirt-Forever 21
*Gray cashmere tights (soooooo warm!!)-gift from my BFF in Ohio
*Black knee-high boots-Jessica Simpson (yes you can laugh at me!)
*Silver vintage owl necklace-Thrift Store
Saturday night turned out to be a delight.
I met up with Idee_geniale of course...then we made our way to Williamsburg where we got to meet the girls behind Crowded Closet!--Ok...of course that was totally fun! I like meeting new people, although I usually walk away completely content with the few friends I have, but these girls were so much fun, lots of comic conversation, and all-around cool ladies!
And honestly, I would love to hang out with them again--maybe when we make our way to Philly since one-half of the duo lives there (I've always needed some guidance as to where to go when I'm in that town--a history lover like myself can only look at the foundation of Ben Franklin's house, or step foot in the building where the Continental Congress met, or gawk at Betsy Ross' house on so many occasions before its time to find something. Although I'm not knockin' the US history-heck no! I'm just sayin, a change-up next time in Philadelphia might be called for).
Sunday (today) I did not bother photographing my threads since time was of essence. And I was lacking in my attention to the clock-before I knew it we should've been on our way like 15min before we actually left.
When I say "WE", I mean BF and I. We had a family birthday lunch to get to in Staten Island.
It was AWESOME! Japanese Hibachi!!!!
--Who doesn't love a little entertainment, a little playing with food? I even caught a piece of vegetable in my mouth when it was tossed at me--and that's amazing considering I've never been able to catch in my life!
Insert my best Beavis and Butthead impersonation here (actually make that just Beavis):
"FIRE, FIRE! heh heh"
BF opted out of the grilling fun, instead he went with the Sushi platter. Not a bad choice, especially considering he managed to help me out with my dish quite a essentially he had the best of both worlds.
Oh...and one last thing...if you haven't stopped by Dusty Rose Vintage's blog lately--please check it out.
There's a little interview with ME....
so you can get to know me just that much more! And clearly, that will make your weekend complete! :)
1) I love Modern Family and I have always agreed with you that the daughter looks like a little Mila Kunis! Congrats on the celeb dress display!!!
2) Hibachi-- MMMMMM!
That is so amazing, to see your work on the red carpet!! Ahhh so exciting, I can't even say. :D The amethyst is a lovely color, it brings out her eyes.
Also, love the huge owl necklace and Japanese cuisine. yum.
Your weekend sounded exciting and jumpy fun. Love the "Modern Family" but not so much the's nice I suppose, guess I'm just looking at it thru my eyes, imagining it on my figure. Your outfit however is cute & trendy.
that picture with the fire is so amazing.
in more important news: i am so incredibly impressed that you designed that!!! like, i feel like i know (virtually, at least) a famous person. i officially love your life.
um, YOUR fun. Had a great time on Saturday! Come to Phila any timeeeee :)
xo, Kim
PS- Pictures to come!
wow, what a gorgeous dress & a fabulous job! sounds like you're living "the life..."
Wow, that little jacket is so yummy! And it looks perfect on you!
And yay for owl necklaces! They're so chic...I have a collection!
Congrats on the dress, that's an amazing feat!
i watched the thing the fashion police and there were so many dresses i loved and hated ahhah
you look amaizng love this black dress on you and im so jealous i want sushi too!!!!!!
Wow your outfit is stunning and so creative sounds like you had a fun weekend and it is nice to meet new people xoxo
Congratulations! That's so exciting. Its lovely and the color really does suit her so well.
You HAD to post SUSHI. Now I want some! agh.
So cool about one of the designs you worked on. That dress is gorgeous! I love the color and flow of it.
I also like that you mentioned what you do. Do people not believe you? i guess that is a lot better than what I get. Whenever I say my job title (eCommerce Promotions Manager for a Beauty Retailer) people inevitably go "What is that?" and attempting to explain is even worse.
Maybe one day I'll be super rich and I can hire you to make me clothing! (yeah, like I will be rich... haha)
Wow! I didn't know you were a fashion designer! That dress is amazing!
loooooooooove your outfit. so great!!! and that dress is! impressive.
i really really really want sushi now. :-P
I love love love the black dress and owl necklace!!! You look so chic! And fierce! Very fantastic!
Congratulations, that is very exciting! I think you should showcase your work more often.
And I'm in Philly twice a week so tell me what specifically you're looking to do there and I will be glad to offer advice. :)
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