*Oversized slouchy Lilac tshirt-H&M
*1970s leather grommet belt-Church Rummage Sale (in Michigan)
*DIY cut-offs-Uniqlo
*Fringe suede, coral flip-flops-Target
*gold hardware on leather rope, necklace-bought on street in Soho
*Bird gold necklace-Forever21
Today was a horrible, awful day outside. Not nice to do anything. But perfect for me to go get a mani/pedi which was long overdue. I chose an OPI coral color, forgot the name (they always have such clever names too...shoot!). I rather quite like the color, so I'm satisfied. I also like the place I went to, it's fairly new, pretty and clean looking inside...I was a little worried what the prices were like. But in the end, it worked out to be exactly what I pay when I go after work in midtown. I get longer better massages at this new place so I am SOLD, and will go there more often.
I do not wear flip-flops on a regular basis, just so you know. It's such a boring shoe, no matter how comfortable they may be. Flip-flops are not OK. I was just getting a pedicure so it's the normal thing to slip on your feet.
The rest of my saturday was spent at the grocery store, watching a movie on the IFC channel, and then here buying nonsense on Drugstore.com. Now, currently looking at things I certainly do not need to buy on ebay (although it's tempting, see for yourself: BustownModern).
Oh, last night BF and I went to the movies at the theater down the street. We saw, "The Hangover", hilarious! Definitly a laughable time. So funny.
Ok, I'm out....watching SNL, Alec Baldwin is hosting, should be good. (I am sure it's a rerun, what do I care, I haven't seen it)
definitely love your outfit. and the bag is awesome :D
perfect outfit for a rainy day. i hate it when it rains and rains. it makes me sad and limits my outfit choices. if you have to wear flippies, these are a cute choice!
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