I'm back, (yay! Internet service! Verizon sucks btw)
And nearly a month later I can finally bring you the second half of that Fall Festival Fave Rave.
Part 2 consists of
the PEOPLE, the PRIZES, and the PARTY
(er, lack thereof...this is Evansville we're talking about).
First up, the typical festival goer....be it a ponytail or a tattoo showing some love for their fellow hoosier.
These two types, they fit right in.
You've also got your food booth friends.
Although, um....this lady just flat out scares me. I don't like where her gaze is going.
(and I was oblivious to it the whole time...should've known something was up; she was selling turkey testicles for goodness sake)
And lest we forget the favorite fetch of all festivals:
Phew! Thank goodness for my lil' partner in crime,
to take me back to a fashionable place.

Next up...what I call a PARTY!
A party on my wrist....
in the form of a wristband equalling unlimited RIDES!
And clowns...clowns are at parties, right?
(but please creepy-clown man, leave my friend outta this)
What's a carnival without winning some loot?
Especially the uber cheap quality stuff that wayyyyy too many people spend wayyyyy too much money on trying to win for their silly girlfriends.
You gotta play to win...
So someone tell me where my fave game, Elvis the Racing Mouse was this year?
Yeah, crap...I had to settle for this mouse instead, soooo not Elvis the Racing Mouse.
Yeah I played alright, about $10 later I walked away empty handed.
As if I was expecting to walk away with a real prize or something...
I should've known to stick to the "Winner Everytime" crap.
Ummmmm like the poster/dart toss game. EASY!
I was a bit wiser than the winner everytime game, though. No need to waste my money on a Taz and Bugs shoot'n hoops poster when I can charm a carnie with my smile...
enough so that he's fooled by my age.
enough so that he's fooled by my age.
And yay!
Kelly and I left the Fall Festival with prizes in hand.
I suppose since this is a personal style blog, you all might be slightly interested in what I'm sporting other than a stuffed yellow accessory, right?
Wearing (on 10/8/10):
Yellow stuffed banana-Fall Festival
Black faux leather vest-Beacon's Closet
(found $2 in the pocket upon purchase btw)
Ivory gauzy tunic-H&M
Skinny Jeans-Uniqlo
Black booties-Steve Madden
Black printed scarf-Express
Silver purse-Cole Haan
And lets not forget the SCORPION BUTTON, presented to me upon purchase of my scorpian pop as seen in previous post.
And that folks....that's what I call my FAVE RAVE in terms of my hometown of Evansville, Indiana.
Nothing quite beats the West Side Nut Club Fall Festival as is apparent in both pt. 1 and pt. 2.
So if ever you're in southern Indiana come the first full week of October (also known as my birthday week)
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE witness this spectacle for yourself!
And friends, a big fat huge MUAH! Thanks so much for standing by patiently while my internet service got all its kinks worked out. I have my fingers crossed we're back up and running here at home for good. Which means I hope you all come back and frequent my pages once again. I'm working on a little giveaway of sorts to show my appreciation for all those that didn't leave me just because of a few technical difficulties over the past month and a half.
But I'm back...hopefully for a while...and this little giveaway I mention, well I already got a part of it, and let's just say I'm having a hard time parting with the goodies myself.
Yeah, keep checking back, once I get it all together, the details will be here!
1 comment:
yea styling like usual!
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