Sunday, September 19, 2010

Daily Wear: "Bring It"

Yesterday, Mel and I went to Brooklyn Bowl to see Those Darlins' 
(fine Nashville band if ever there was one).

I thought putting on my "tough-girl" threads and trying my hand at looking "metal" was the way to go.
You gotta put your game face on when you go to these shows, lots of pretentious little hipsters out here in bring it!
Black on Black
Oh and "bring it" did they...this silly t-shirt of mine was the topic of numerous conversations.
I never realized a crappy vintage Firehouse t-shirt could spur such nonsense.

-First there was the kid that quizzed me on Firehouse as if I was wearing a t-shirt just because that's what ironic Williamsburg hipsters do....oh no young gent, I know what I'm talking about if I'm going to wear a shirt like this.  You best believe I'm not just throwing it on without being able to talk the talk and know my shit in terms of a band like this.
-Secondly, there was another guy that just genuinely wanted to know if I actually liked Firehouse.  The answer is, "No, not really...but I do have a song or two in my collection of theirs"  (guilty pleasures)
-Third, another person asking me if I've ever seen Firehouse in concert to which was followed by me being knee deep in conversation about hairbands and their concerts.
So whatever kids...I don't mind talking to you, and I don't mind talking about my shirt...but please don't think you can come up and make fun of me by trying to catch me being void of all information on the band at hand. (as was the case with the first person)
Now...if only I could back up my "look" the way I can back up my t-shirt.
I could probably very well be called out on being a not-so-tough girl.  Even though, clearly I am trying to dress the part--did it work?  Or do you think I just look like a wimp?
(answer truthfully, I'd like to know)
*Black bomber jacket, H&M
*Black vintage concert t-shirt, Thrift Store
*Black jeans (jeggings actually, but that word sucks), Gap
*Black croco purse, Franco Sarto
*Black booties, Steve Madden
*Black sunglasses, Kensie
*Multi-color vintage Liz Claiborne scarf, Dusty Rose Vintage


Unknown said...

Ahhhh! I love Those Darlins! I saw them play at this place called The End with Holly Golightly.

Alexandra said...

I don't know how you manage to look so "rough" and so classy at the same time, but I'm a big fan. Also, your hair looks FANTASTIC in these pictures!!! Did you add more blonde to it? I really love the way it has been cut lately.

Kate said...

Bahaha, you vs. hipster kids... I love it. Good for you for holding your own! And coming from a not even remotely tough girl, I totally think you pull off the tough girl look! Edgy & hot!

That Chelsea Girl™ said...

Great look! Especially the bomber jacket. I wish they had an H&M in Texas!

Joan Domenge said...

Firehouse? yeah! that's sleazy! :-)

Hope you enjoyed the gig!

kisses from spain!

Anonymous said...

Haha. I love this. Regardless of band knowledge, you look badass. I'm surprised anyone would even question you.

And those sunglasses are perfection.


Perfectly styled.

Isquisofrenia said...

i was looking at my facebook and i saw your profile and then i was like why is she not posting anything anymore=( and it turns out that you are hahah
its weird your posts dont show on my following daily thing
sux, i miss so many amazing outfits!
man, i wanna wear this outfit so bad
you look so cool and pretty at the same time!

Ashley [Free Honey] said...

You look pretty tough to me! I think the industrial background adds to the whole "you don't wanna eff with me" vibe you've got going on here. And I def have that bomber jacket...which is absolutely the toughtest thing I own. But I'm not really that tough so I guess that's not saying much, lol.